english deutsch
The Island of the Day Before, Umberto Eco's The Name of the Rose
From Internet to Gutenberg, Porta Ludovica
A Conversation on Information
An interview with Eco.
Eco - Interviews
Several interviews or interview-based articles about Umberto Eco.
The World According to Eco
"Italian novelist and semiotician Umberto Eco expounds upon the Net, writing, The Osteria, libraries, the continental divide, Marshall Mcluhan,and, well, God." A profile/interview.
Umberto Eco
A profile of the author, with selected bibliography.
Umberto Eco
A humorous cartoon portrait of the author, at a Polish-language website.
Umberto Eco and His Travels in Hyperreality
"Umberto Eco in his essay, Travels in Hyperreality, saw the emergence of the age of simulation. He recognized that when simulations promise us something better than real, it is often a disguised sales pitch." Commentary on Eco's commentary.
Umberto Eco's Multiple Name
Site on conspiracy theories, evolving out of Eco's novel Foucault's Pendulum.
Umberto Eco's piece on Mac and DOS, Catholic
A brief bit of wit from Eco himself on personal computing operating systems, and the religious divide betwixt the two main churches.