American Cribbage Congress, Cribbage Club of Southeast Michigan, Mid-Atlantic Cribbage Society, Reading and District Cribbage Association, Rugeley and District Cribbage League, Salisbury and District Cribbage League
Game overview, rules and tips. Also offers boards, cards, software and online gaming information.
Rules for five card and six card versions, as well as the related game of Noddy.
Cribbage Corner
Resource for beginners and seasoned peggers alike. Rules, strategy, variants, etiquette, books, computer games and history.
Cribbage Forum
Features articles on strategy and tactics and a monthly quiz.
Germantown Peggers
Explains terms, rules, strategy and variations.
Lowball Cribbage
Variation where the first player to 121 points is the loser.
The Cribbage Board
Features rules, variations, history, links, and guestbook.