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Reviews and Previews
Computer Games Online, GameSpot, IGN, The Adrenaline Vault
Ultima IX as a Neverwinter Nights module. News, story, and downloads.
GameFAQs: Ultima Ascension
Guides, codes, and user reviews.
Hacki's Ultima Page
A humorous approach towards flaws and inaccuracies.
Mike's RPG Center - Ultima IX: Ascension
Walkthrough, equipment lists, spells and training locations.
Terilem Dragon's Ultima IX Webpage
News and screenshots.
The Complete Guide to Ultima 9: Ascension
Pictures, maps, and partial walkthrough.
The Wayward Avatar
Walkthrough, news, patches, and technical resources.
Ultima IX - Infinity Eternal
Remake using the Morrowind engine based on an edited story of the original.
Ultima IX Redemption
Remake with an original storyline using the Morrowind engine.
Ultima IX Tool Suite
Unofficial tool suite allowing extraction of music, sound, images and text.
Ultima IX: Ascension
Origin's official site, with game information, virtues fiction, and archived discussions.
Whacked Out Ultima 9
Funny screenshots.
Wizard's Tower
Screenshots, wallpaper, video interviews, walkthrough, video, and trailers.