english deutsch
Beguine, Bogomil, Hussite, Waldensian, Heresy in the Late Middle Ages, Medieval Heresies: Waldensians, Albigensians, Int, Medieval Heresy Chart, The Rise of Popular Heresies
Investiture Conflict
Conflict of Investitures, Empire and Papacy, The Investiture Conflict, The Owl, The Pussycat and the Investiture Controve
Relations with Judaism
Church And The Jews In The Middle Ages, The, Medieval Jewish Legends On Matters Connected With , On the Baptism of Slaves Belonging to Jews, On the Insolence of the Jews, Papal Protection of the Jews
Division of the Tithe in Spain, Lay Tithes, On Tithes, The Irish Canons: Collection of the Tithe
Western Schism
Babylonian Captivity and the Great Schism, Manifesto of the Revolting Cardinals, The Avignon Papacy, The Avignonese Papacy, The Decree Excecrabilis 1459, The Great Schism and Conciliar Movement, University of Paris and the Schism, Western Schism
A New Orientation For the Church
A lecture by Yuri Koszarycz covering the Sixth to the Tenth centuries in the life of the Catholic church.
Affirmation of the Right of a Priest to Make a Wi
By the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa in 1165, an implication that the state had power over the church. From the Medieval Sourcebook.
God, Gold Corruption and Poverty
History Today article in which Dominic James describes how the early Church reconciled its teaching of holy poverty with the accumulation and display of spectacular wealth.
Medieval Church.org.uk
Thematic bibliography for Studying the Church of the Middle Ages, from a Protestant perspective.
Middle Ages
Article from the Catholic Encyclopedia with a large list of links to related articles.
Monastic Matrix
A project documenting the participation of Christian women in the religion and society of medieval Europe, aiming to collect and make available all existing data about all professional Christian women in Europe between 500 and 1500 AD.
Pope Joan
A feature in Encyclopedia Britannica Online showing the differing treatment of the legend of a female Pope to show a more balanced and less inflamatory British attitude towards Catholics.
Religion and the Middle Ages
An examination of the Church's influence on secular law during the Middle Ages.
Some Thoughts on the Rise of the Western Church
Lecture in the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
The Birth of the Universities
The Universities started as church institutions, and much of their character derives from this.
The Church in Moral Crisis
A lecture by Yuri Koszarycz covering the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries in the life of the Catholic church.
The Holy Grail
An essay on the role of the search for the Holy Grail on medieval Christianity. From the Ecole Initiative.
The Papacy
Historical survey in the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.
The Quest for the Holy Grail
An article which discusses the significance of the Quest for the Holy Grail, where the story began, why it was so popular and the Legend.
The Rise of the Western Church
An account of the rise of the church in the Western half of the Empire, the see of Rome.
Was the Medieval Church Corrupt?
Essay from the Online Reference Book for Medieval Studies.