english deutsch
Arnold, Charles
Arnold, Charles, Arnold, Charles
Andreev, Nikolai (1882-1947)
Russian master of pictorial photography. Scans from the original images.
Deen Dayal, Lala (1844-1905)
Images of 19th Century India. Information on his pioneering techniques, his correspondence and a sight of the ancient studio.
Pierce, Henry Havelock (1864-1943)
Provides basic background biographical material on a little known American portrait photographer (1864-1943).
Pillsbury, Arthur Clarence
Pillsbury had an early studio in Yosemite Valley, California, and pioneered in microscopic, X-ray, and underwater photography.
Sechtl, Ignac and Josef (1840-1911, 1877-1953)
Pioneers of Czech photography. Created company Secthl & Vosecek that focused on photojournalism, fine art photography and cinematography.
Sevruguin, Antoin (c. 1840s - 1933)
Exhibition of Antoin sevruguin's historical photographs in the Golestan Palace, Tehran, Iran.
Who was Alfredo Saldivar ?
Wealthy family travelled the world,1912-14, photograping in stereo their travels. America, Europe, Africa, Latin America. With car, boat and camera. Probably Mexican origin.