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Clans and Guilds
Al Bhed Clan Site, Avalon Knights - Mechwarrior 4 Vengeance Clan, Black Horse Cavalry, Blue Star Irregulars, Clan =UnSeeN=, Clan Black Talon, Clan Blood Spirit, Clan Diamond Shark, Clan Ghost Bear, Clan Goliath Scorpion
Reviews and Previews
ActionTrip, Adrenaline Vault, Computer Games Online, Electric Playground, FiringSquad, FiringSquad Preview, FiringSquad: GameStock 2000 coverage, Game Rankings, GameOver, GamePro.com
3DActionPlanet: Interview
Interview with T.J. Wagner with screenshots.
Clan Nova Cat
Recruiting, Code of Honor, clan history, rules, and games.
GameSpot: Interview
Interview with the lead designer, T.J. Wagner. Includes screenshot gallery.
Hunterbrill's Mechwarrior 4
Previews, news and links.
Site includes custom skins, mech configs, and downloads.
This site has maps, mech configurations, forums, utilities, and artwork.
Microsoft Games
Publisher's site with preview links and downloadable video.
This league provides downloads, links, tutorials, rules, an on-line starmap, encyclopedia and legal information.