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The Avenger, The Avenger Archives
Doc Savage
All About Doc Savage - The Man Of Bronze, Bronzdom, Bronze Refined As Silver, Dale's Doc Savage Page, Das ist Doc Savage, DeVito Art Gallery - Doc Savage Covers, Doc Savage 2005, Doc Savage : The Belgian Site, Doc Savage Club, Doc Savage Comics Resource Page
Shadowlinks, The Shadow Magazine, The Shadow's Agents, The Shadow's WWW Sanctum
Death To The Bringers Of Death!, The Spider's Web Page
Adventure House Publishing
Home of pulp reprint magazine High Adventure, the Spider facsimile reprints, and other pulp-related paraphernalia.
An Expansion of Philip Jose Farmer's Wold New
Chronologies, articles and speculative genealogies based on Farmer's psuedo-biographies of Tarzan and Doc Savage.
Astounding Graphics
Unique line of postcards depicting vintage comic book, pulp, paperback covers, pinups, and sci-fi/horror movie posters - also available as notecards and magnets.
Hugo Gernsback's Forecast
An e-zine named after the man who started Amazing Stories magazine and whom many consider the "Father" of science fiction. The site also archive texts of several of his stories.
Mogozuzu Pulp Magazines
Brief overviews of different pulp genres, including aviation, romance, war, fantasy, and western pulps. Includes many cover scans. Good information for those new to the pulps.
Phantom Detective
The only webpage dedicated to the Phantom Detective. Includes a guide to all the stories. Some cover scans.
Pulp and Dagger Fiction Webzine
Exciting illustrated free online pulp-style fantasy fiction magazine in the spirit of Conan, Tarzan and H.P. Lovecraft...Where the Heroes are!
Pulp Fiction Central
Part of Vintage Library, this online store gives much information about the pulps, including cover art, writer profiles, and sells print and electronic reprints of the mags. Secure ordering. Requires Adobe Acrobat to read the online reprints.
Pulp Heroes
Articles about Doc Savage and other pulps.
Pulp Magazine Gallery (Old SF Books)
Science fiction and fantasy pulp magazines for sale. This site has scans of pulp covers and a list of stories in each listed issue.
Pulp Magazine Heroes
Nice pages about Doc Savage, the Spider, and the Avenger. With links.
Pulp's Femme Fatales
All about the pulp's crime fighting heroines. Featuring the Domino Lady, Sheena Queen of the Jungle, and the Golden Amazon.
Secret Service Operator #5 -- America's Under
Discusses his adventures and his companions. Lists all his adventures and reprints.
The Hero Pulps!
Operator 5, the Spider, and Doc Savage are talked about here. Indices to these titles.
The Holloway Pages: Flash Gordon
A history and overview of Alex Raymond's Flash Gordon with information on his brief pulp magazine career.
The Pulp Zone
Golden Age science fiction, horror and mystery pulp magazines. The Shadow, Doc Savage, Phantom Lady and other heroes...
The Thrilling Detective
A directory of private eyes and other tough guys and gals, complete with bios and bibliographies.
The history and legacy of the pulps -- the popular literature from the first half of the 20th century -- is covered here. You will find information on The Shadow, Doc Savage, The Spider and more pulp characters.
The magazine for fans of American and British pulp fiction. Subscription information, and a list of British pulp heroes.
Virginia Tech Speculative Fiction Project
Reprints of science fiction pulps online. Includes Air Wonder Stories and Marvel Science Stories, among others.
Waystation Central
The internet guide to paperbacks, pulps, and magazines. Some good articles on American pulps and paperbacks. Information on, and cover scans of the British and Australian equivalents to the American pulps, as well.
Weird Tales - The Unique Magazine
Worshipping the first incarnation of the magazine of horror/fantasy which published such great authors as Robert Howard, Edmond Hamilton, H. P. Lovecraft, Fritz Leiber, and many others. Nicely done site.