english deutsch
Eagle Brow Family Dental Practice, Lakeside Surgery, Tracey Turton Reflexology
Recreation and Sports
Lymm Angling Club, Lymm Golf Club, Lymm Rugby Club
Society and Culture
Domville Lodge No. 4647, Sion Independent Methodist Church
Churchills Dry Cleaners
Services, specialist cleaning, offers, and contacts.
Córas IT
Computer support, training and web design services. Company background, advice pages, service and contact details.
Lymm Animal Clinic
Veterinary surgeon offering both conventional and complementary therapy alongside preventative care and guidance.
Lymm High School
Comprehensive information about this school, including policies, procedures, prospectus, news and events.
Lymm Hotel
Heritage hotel with restaurant, conference and wedding facilities. Includes information about each, photographs and an enquiry form.
Lymm Net
News and information about the village. Lists accommodation, web cams, photographs and local items of interest.
Timperley Evangelical Trust
Multimedia equipment rental for churches. Sales of Bible software.