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Alabama Episcopal Cursillo, Albany Episcopal Cursillo, Arkansas Episcopal Cursillo Movement, Atlanta Episcopal Cursillo, Austin Convocation Cursillo, Central Gulf Coast Epicopal Cursillo, Chicago Episcopal Cursillo, Colorado Episcopal Cursillo, Cursillo in the Diocese of Georgia, Cursillo in the Episcopal Diocese of Maryland
ACTS 29 Ministries
Conducts teaching and training seminars, spreads the message of renewal in the Episcopal Church, and helps clergy find churches in which to minister.
Brotherhood of St. Andrew
The oldest evangelistic ministry of the Episcopal Church, with the goal of bringing men and boys to Jesus Christ. Provides information on missions, devotions, choir and resources.
Episcopal Marriage Encounter
Weekend retreat designed to strengthen communication within marriages. Lists encounter weekends by date and state, and steps to hosting an encounter.
Episcopal Network for Evangelism
Formed in 1998 at the Presiding Bishop?s ?Congregations in Ministry? conference. Gives analysis of diocesan evangelism efforts, evangelism resources, church planting information.
Vocare National, Inc.
Young adult Episcopal Christian renewal movement. Includes calendar, history, and directory.