Central Auditory Processing Disorders
Archives of the CAPD Mailing List, Archives of the CAPD-Pro Mailing List, Auditory Processing, Auditory Processing Disorder Facts, Auditory Processing Disorder in Children, Auditory Processing Disorder in the United Kingdom, CAPD Parents' Page, CAPD-Adults, CAPD: From the Heart of a Mother, Center for Central Auditory Research
Adult Dyslexia Organization, Bright Solutions for Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia, Dyslexia - an introduction., Dyslexia - Information for the Public, Dyslexia In Adults, Dyslexia My Life, Dyslexia Online, Dyxi
Regional, Apraxia, Apraxia of Speech, Apraxia of Speech (Dyspraxia) Citations, Apraxia of Speech in Children - Resources, Apraxia-Kids, CHERAB Foundation, Inc, Child Apraxia Therapy Ideas, Childhood Apraxia of Speech Association, Children's Speech Sound Disorders: Questions , Developmental Apraxia
American Hyperlexia Association, Hyperlexia, Hyperlexia and Language Disorders, Hyperlexia Mailing List, The Canadian Hyperlexia Association Page, The Hyperlexia Parents' Network
Nonverbal Learning Disorders
NLD Haven, NLD on the Web, NLDline, Nonverbal Learning Disabilities (NLD) Connection, Nonverbal Learning Disorders, Tera's NLD Jumpstation
Learning Disabilities Association Chapters, An Association for Children and Adults with Learni, Association for Residential Care (ARC), British Institute for Learning Disabilities, CHANGE, Collaborative Group for Learning Disability Resear, Council for Learning Disabilities, Dyslexia Bulletin Board, Hello Friend/Ennis William Cosby Foundation, International Dyslexia Association, Learning Disabilities Association of Alaska
Training Centers and Programs
3D Learner, Amelia Audiology, LLC, Assessment and Intervention Team for People With L, Caanterbury Oast Trust, Camp Academia, Disability Resource Associates (DRA), Dr. Annalee Kitay, Dyslexia Barnsley, Dyslexia Dyspraxia Attention Treatment (DDAT), Dyslexia the Gift
Adolescents and Adults with Learning Disabilities
Large listing of organizations, consumer groups, government sites and adult literacy. A few have WWW links, but all have phone numbers and address.
Bridges to Practice
Designed to help teachers, social workers, employment counselors, job coaches, and service agency personnel recognize learning disabilities, implement a screening process, and know what to do when an adult has been diagnosed. Training materials available for use online and for download to provide better service to adults with learning disabilities.
Childhood Learning Disabilities
Offers details about the types of childhood learning disabilities, causes, diagnostics, treatment, and coping methods for families.
Child neuropsychologist, Bo Jorgensen, offers information on learning disabilities, in particular dyslexia, dysphasia and dyscalculia. Provides definitions, symptomology, the basis and remediation suggestions.
Foundation for People with Learning Disabilities
Provides information about issues affecting the lives of people with learning disabilities, publications, workshops, conferences, and funds research and service projects.
Keep Kids Healthy - Guide to School Performance
A discussion of school performance problems in adolescents, including ADHD, learning disabilities, motivation, school strategies.
LD OnLine
Interactive guide to learning disabilities for parents, teachers, and children. Articles, research, chat rooms, forums, newsletter, audio clips, calendar, store, ask the expert, resources, Kid Zone, personal essays, and a good search feature.
LD Pride Online
An online community for youth and adults with learning disabilities including Attention Deficit Disorder.
Learning Disabilities
Brochure from NIMH. In-depth look at Learning Disability types, causes, diagnostic procedures, education, medication, how families cope, governmental regulations, resources, and hope for the person with LD.
Learning Disabilities
Information sheet compiled by NINDS, the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke.
Learning Disabilities from About.com
Sections include types of learning disabilities, how they are identified and formally diagnosed, education options, medications, types of assistance available, and options for support.
Learning Disabilities Online
A selection of articles on learning disabilities including symptoms, possible causes, and alternative ways to prevent learning disorders.
Learning Disabilities Resource Community (LDRC)
A virtual resource and meeting place for those whose lives are touched by learning disabilities. Database of research, affiliations, diagnostic tests, descriptions, resources, and related information.
Living with an Invisible Disability
Provides links to (C)APD, dyslexia, ADD/ADHD, Autism, SID (DSI), Aspergers, hyperlexia, dyslexia, conferences, educational topics, and general LD resources. Also provides an Adult Chat room, and Kid's CAPD chat pages.
National Resources for Adults with Learning Disabi
A publication for adults who suspect or know they have a learning disability, and for family and friends who wish to help. The guide is intended to provide a starting point for gaining information that can lead to obtaining services at the state or local level.
National Youth Network
Offers information for parents about various types of learning disabilities, diagnostic tests, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and options that can aid them through the IEP process.
Pediatric Oncall: Learning Disabilities
A basic information guide aimed at parents of LD children and teens.
Smart Kids with LD
Helping parents help their children succeed. Offers learning disability resources for parents and teachers; first-person success stories; questions answered by a panel of experts; and a newsletter.
SOAR Functional Limitations: Learning Disabilities
Provides tips on accommodations employers can make for workers with Learning Disabilities. Also gives basic definitions for terms used to describe types of LD.
Speech and Language Disorders
The Kaufman Children's Center for Speech and Language Disorders, Inc. provides early intervention to children with communication disorders including central auditory processing disorders, autism, Asperger's, receptive and expressive language disorders, apraxia, and articulation difficulties. General overview of these disorders, symptoms and even early signs for parents of infants as well.
The Resource Room
Teaching and learning resources in reading, spelling, math, and comprehension for people of all ages with learning disabilities. Provides exercises, articles, software reviews, book lists, lesson plans, tips, online store, and links to related resources and chat room. Also has information about Home Schooling, the Gifted LD student, and older learners for parents, students and teachers.
The Southern LINCS: Literacy & Learning Disabi
Provides access to information on LD issues important to adults with learning disabilities and their families, teachers, tutors, Rehabilitation staff, caseworkers, and employers. Includes news, events, discussion groups, publications, research, resources, FAQs, assessments, and training projects.
Tips for Getting LD Students Ready for College
List of documentation, skills, and steps required before a high school student with a learning disability moves toward college. Provided by the Disability Resource Office at Radford University.