english deutsch
International Atomic Energy Acency (IAEA): Iraq Ac, PBS Frontline: Spying on Saddam, United Nations Monitoring, Verification and Inspec, United Nations Special Commission (UNSCOM)
Security Council
Colin Powell's Speech, Hans Blix's Briefing to the UN Security Counc, Mohammed el-Baradei's Report to the UN Securi, Oral introduction of the 12th quarterly report of , Reports by IAEA and UNSCOM in December 1998, Security Council, March 7., 2003, Speech by Dominique de Villepin at the UN Security, UN Launches Inquiry into American Spying, UN Security Council Resolution 1441, US Dirty Tricks to Win Vote on Iraq War
George Bush's Speech to the UN General Assemb
Full text.
UN News Centre: Iraq
Provides news, video and photographs, with focus on UN inspections and humanitarian aid. Includes background information and links for key documents and UN agencies.
World Press Review: The United Nations, Internatio
In-depth look at the role of international law and the United Nations in the debate over whether to go to war in Iraq. Includes links for further reading and for analysis of world press.