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Black Umbrella, Blogs of War, Conflict of Interest: The Sites You Need to See, Iraq Action, Iraq War 03-19-03, Steve Perry, The Other Side, war & peace report, War, A Soldier's View, Warblogging
A Holiday Tribute
A christmas poem dedicated to the US troops in Iraq.
Albasrah Net
Photographs and press bulletins from groups opposed to the occupation of Iraq.
Healing Iraq
Comments on daily events regarding the situation in post-Saddam Iraq. With related links.
Iraq War, 2003 Edition
Provides updated reports on the cost of the war, names and photos of casualties, and suggests ways for readers to help.
Iraqi Freedom
Personal statement of a kurdish Iraqi in favour of the US and UK coalition. Includes a picture gallery.
My Marine
Ashtyn's personal tribute to her brother, a Marine, including family pictures and links for related sites.
People's Alliance Bulletin
Comments on news and analysis of the war and occupation of Iraq, with special attention given to the independent press.
The Allied Troops in Iraq
Page of support for the troops in Iraq with lists of MIAs and KIAs.
The Blast
A collection of articles written by Kevin O'Neill.
The Protesters Wish
Personal opinion on anti-war protests, and lists of the casualties in US and UK military. Includes guestbook.
War in Iraq Resources
A personal collection of links for news sources and commentary.
War on Iraq
Provides a personal statement and appeal for prayer, and links.
Asserts that the war is a stage in President Bush's attempt to create a new world order.