english deutsch
Books, A brief introduction to the beat (in) film, American Museum of Beat Art, Amram, David. "A vanishing America?:, Aram Saroyan, writer, poet, playwright, Ashcan Rantings and Kind King Light of Mind, Beat Fathers, Beat Generation and Bohemian Culture: digihitch.co, Beat Generation at the Gay, Lesbian, B, T, Queer E, Beat Generation Trading Cards, Beat Movement
Bloomsbury Group
A Radical Regained, Bloomsbury Comes In From The Cold, Bloomsbury Groupie, The Bloomsbury Group, The Bloomsbury Group: Creating A New Modern World
Age of Enlightenment, European Enlightenment, Literature During The Enlightenment, The Enlightenment, The Enlightenment, World Cultures Reader: European Enlightenment
Alfred Jarry (1873-1907), Arts: Existentialism and Theatre, ClassicNotes ; Waiting for Godot, Eugene Ionesco's Rhinoceros, Existentialism and Absurdism, From Beckett to Stoppard: Existentialism, Death, a, Katharena Eiermann ; Theatre of the Absurd, No Exit, The Absurd Hero, The Absurdity of Beckett
Hard-Boiled Detective Fiction, Hard-boiled Mysteries, Hardboiled Heaven, Twists, Slugs and Roscoes: A Glossary of Hardboile
Lost Generation
Hawken School Lost Generation Resource Center, Hemingway, Fitzgerald, and Callaghan, Lost Generation, The Lost Generation, The Lost Generation, The Lost Generation Era, 1919 to 1932
Magical Realism
Magic Realism, Magic Realism: A Problem, Magical Realism, Magical Realism, Magical Realism, Magical Realism at Macondo, Magical Realism on the Web, Margin: Exploring Modern Magical Realism, What Is Magical Realism, Really?
Boccaccio, Giovanni, Dante Alighieri, Petrarch, Pisan, Christine de, Beating the Bounds Between Church and State, Bodleian Library Image Catalogue, Dante and Chaucer, French Middle Ages Literature, Lectures on Medieval Literature, Medieval and Classical Library, Medieval Literary Bibliographies, Medieval Manuscript Manual, Medieval Rhetorics of Prose Composition, Medieval Women Writers: Staying Up Late
"The Parallels!": Italo Calvino and Jorg, Metafiction, Metafiction
Dadaism, Athena: Baudelaire, Les Fleurs du Mal; Pierre Perr, Bohemian Ink, English Literature in Transition, 1880-1920, James Joyce, Modernism and the Modern Novel, Modernism/Modernity, Modernist Journals Project, Pasmo: A Page of Poetists, Signifying Nothing: The Fourth Dimension in Modern
EnviroArts, Naturalism, Naturalism, Naturalism: A Brief Introduction, Selected Short Bibliography of American Literary N
Oulipo, Ouvroir de littérature potentielle, The OuLiPo, The Oulipo
Pre-Raphaelite Archive, Pre-Raphaelites: Links, The Germ
Pulp Fiction
Avenger, Doc Savage, Shadow, Spider, Adventure House Publishing, An Expansion of Philip Jose Farmer's Wold New, Astounding Graphics, Hugo Gernsback's Forecast, Mogozuzu Pulp Magazines, Phantom Detective, Pulp and Dagger Fiction Webzine, Pulp Fiction Central, Pulp Heroes, Pulp Magazine Gallery (Old SF Books)
Balzac, Honor+® de, American Realism 1865-1910, Social Realism: Instructor Overview
Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, Development of Prose During the Renaissance, Elizabethan Authors, History of Renaissance Literature, Iter, The Elizabethan World
Romanticism On the Net, Romantics Unbound: A Hypertextual Learning Space, The Rise of Romanticism
A Sampling of French Surrealist Poetry, Exact Change, History of the Cadavre Exquis, Magnetic Fields, No More Words, Palimpsest by J. B. Sclisizzi, Paul Colinet: Selected Prose Poems, Personal website of Eric W. Bragg, Reading André Breton, Sightseeing in Paris with Baudelaire and Breton
American Transcendentalism, American Transcendentalism, American Transcendentalism at Gonzaga University
Cheeky Fictions: Laughter and the Postcolonial
A call for papers for an edited collection on the function of humour in postcolonial literatures.
English Literature & Religion
Bibliographical database about religious aspects and backgrounds of English literature, from the Middle Ages to the present century, with primary (though not exclusive) emphasis upon writers within the Anglican tradition.
Gothic Undercurrents: Instructor Overview
Essay on the American Gothic movement of the nineteenth century, with a timeline, bibliography, and teachers' notes.
Aniina Jokinen's scholarly and entertaining take on Medieval, Renaissance and 17th century English literature: Texts, essays and articles, illustrations and music.
Postcolonial and Postimperial Literature in Englis
Articles on relevant writers, culture and theory. Based at the National University of Singapore.
Psychedelic '60s: Literary Tradition and Soci
A broad historical overview of the culture and literature of the '60s.
The Classic Text: Traditions and Interpretations
Historical overview of great texts of the West, and of how they have at different times been presented to the reader in book form.